Table of Contents

Random numbers play a pivotal role in programming, especially in domains like gaming, cryptography, simulations, and testing.

Whether you’re rolling virtual dice, simulating real-world phenomena, or encrypting sensitive data, the ability to generate unpredictable numbers is essential.

In this guide, we’ll explore the various ways to create random numbers in C++—from the traditional rand() function to modern C++ libraries like <random>.

You’ll learn how to generate numbers within specific ranges, compare different methods, and understand their practical applications.

What is a Random Number Generator in C++?

Random number generator c++
Random number generator c++

A Random Number Generator C++ is used to produce unpredictable numbers and follow no distinct pattern.

These numbers can be integers or floating-point values, and they are commonly used in areas like cryptography, gaming, simulations, and even for stress testing algorithms with a random number generator C++.

The C++ Standard Library offers various tools to generate these random numbers, such as the rand() function, mt19937 engine, and uniform_int_distribution to control the distribution of values.

How to Generate Random Number in C++ Between 1 to 100

In C++, one of the most basic uses of a random number generator C++ is generating a number within a specific range.

For example, you might want to generate a random number in C++ between 1 and 100. This is done by setting the range of the number using the appropriate formula.

Here’s a simple code snippet that generates a random number between 1 and 100 using the traditional rand() function:

In this code:

  • We use std::rand() to generate a random number.
  • The expression % 100 ensures that the generated number is between 0 and 99, and adding 1 makes the range between 1 and 100.

While the rand() function is simple and widely used, it has some limitations, such as producing predictable results when not properly seeded. In the next section, we’ll look at how to use a more modern approach.

C++ Random Number Generator Between 10 and 100

If you need to generate a random number in C++ between 10 and 100, the process is similar but you will need to adjust your formula accordingly. Here’s an example:

In this example:

  • The expression % 91 ensures the range is between 0 and 90 (i.e., 100 - 10 + 1 = 91).
  • Adding 10 shifts the range to be between 10 and 100.

Random Number Generator C++: Using Modern C++ Libraries

While the traditional rand() function can generate random numbers, it’s important to note that the C++11 standard introduced more sophisticated libraries for Random Number Generator C++

One of the most powerful and flexible ways to generate random numbers in modern C++ is by using the <random> header, which offers advanced features and control over randomness.

Here’s an updated approach using the C++ <random> library:

Example: Using std::mt19937 and std::uniform_int_distribution

In this approach:

  • std::random_device provides a true random seed based on the underlying hardware.
  • std::mt19937 is a random number engine that implements the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which is known for its high-quality randomness.
  • std::uniform_int_distribution ensures that the numbers are evenly distributed between the specified range (10 to 100 in this case).

The use of the modern C++ random library makes the code more flexible, portable, and predictable, which is why it is preferred over the old rand() function in many cases.

Comparing Methods for Random Number Generator C++

<random> Library: Provides high-quality random numbers and better control over distributions. It is more flexible and suitable for complex applications.

rand() Function: Simple to use and well-known. However, it is predictable and requires proper seeding to avoid generating the same sequence of numbers on each run.

rand()Simple to use, well-knownPredictable, requires proper seeding
std::mt19937 + uniform_int_distributionHigh-quality random numbers, better control over distributionSlightly more complex to set up

Key Takeaways

  • For simple use cases, the rand() function works just fine, especially if you’re just testing or building small projects.
  • For better randomness and flexibility, it’s recommended to use the newer <random> library, which provides superior randomness and control over distributions.

Practical Applications of Random Number Generator C++

Now that we know how to generate random numbers in C++, let’s explore some of the practical uses of these numbers:


RNG is used for dice rolls, random event generation, or creating non-player character (NPC) behavior that feels natural.


In scientific and mathematical simulations, RNG can represent uncertainty, randomness, or noise, used for modeling stock markets, weather patterns, or particle movements.


RNGs are crucial for generating secure cryptographic keys, ensuring strong security in encryption processes.


RNGs are used in software testing, especially in stress testing, where random data is input into a program to ensure that it can handle unexpected inputs or edge cases.

Learn More About Random Numbers in C++

To dive deeper into C++ random number generation, you can explore tutorials and examples from popular resources, including detailed guides, code samples, and expert advice to enhance your understanding.

For instance, W3Schools offers a comprehensive tutorial on random number generation in C++ which you can check out to learn more about how to implement and customize random number generators in your projects. Random Number Generator C++ W3Schools provides useful insights and examples.


The Random Number Generator C++ is an essential tool for generating unpredictable numbers, crucial in various fields like gaming, cryptography, simulations, and testing. While rand() is simple and efficient for small tasks, the <random> library provides higher-quality randomness and greater control, making it more suitable for complex applications.

Understanding the differences between these methods allows developers to choose the best approach for their specific needs, ensuring better performance and security in their software.

Whether you need a simple random number between 1 and 100 or a more complex range of values, C++ offers the flexibility and tools to meet your needs.


What is a Random Number Generator in C++?

A Random Number Generator (RNG) in C++ produces unpredictable values, useful in applications like simulations, cryptography, and gaming.

How can I generate a random number between 1 and 10 in C++?

Use std::rand() % 10 + 1 after seeding the generator with std::srand() to get a number between 1 and 10.

What is the advantage of using the <random> library over rand()?

The <random> library provides better randomness and control over distributions, offering more flexibility for complex applications.

How does std::mt19937 improve random number generation?

std::mt19937 is a high-quality random number engine based on the Mersenne Twister algorithm, producing reliable randomness.

Why should I seed the RNG in C++?

Seeding the RNG ensures different sequences of random numbers are generated on each program run, avoiding predictability.

Can I generate floating-point random numbers in C++?

Yes, by using std::uniform_real_distribution, you can generate floating-point numbers within a specified range.

What is the role of std::uniform_int_distribution in C++?

It generates random integers within a given range, ensuring the numbers are evenly distributed.

When should I use std::random_device for seeding?

Use std::random_device for true randomness, as it retrieves a random seed from the underlying hardware or OS.

Picture of Zohaib Awan

Zohaib Awan