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A question that comes frequently with developers is how to Git Reset to Previous Commit. Version control is an essential aspect of software development, and Git is one of the most popular tools for managing code changes.

Among the many commands Git offers, the git reset command is a powerful tool for rolling back changes.

In this article, we will dive deep into how to use the git reset command to Git Reset to Previous Commit, understand its implications, and explore the best practices for its usage.

What is Git Reset?

Git Reset to Previous Commit
Git Reset to Previous Commit

The Git reset command is used to undo changes by moving the HEAD of a branch to a specific commit. It modifies the commit history and can alter the working directory, the staging area, or both, depending on the reset mode used. This makes it a vital tool for correcting errors or cleaning up a repository.

Modes of Git Reset

Before using Git Reset to Previous Commit, it’s crucial to understand its three modes:

Soft Reset

Git Reset to Previous Commit
Git Reset to Previous Commit


  • Command: git reset --soft <commit-hash>
  • What it does: Moves the branch’s HEAD to the specified commit while keeping the changes in the staging area.
  • Use case: Ideal when revising a commit or combining multiple changes into a single commit.

Mixed Reset (Default Mode)

Git Reset to Previous Commit
Git Reset to Previous Commit


  • Command: git reset --mixed <commit-hash>
  • What it does:
    Moves the branch’s HEAD to the specified commit, removes changes from the staging area, but retains them in the working directory.
  • Use case:
    Useful when you want to unstage changes but keep your edits for further modification.

Hard Reset

Git Reset to Previous Commit
Git Reset to Previous Commit


  • Command: git reset --hard <commit-hash>
  • What it does:
    Moves the branch’s HEAD to the specified commit and discards all changes in:
    1. Staging area
    2. Working directory
  • Caution:
  • This operation permanently deletes all uncommitted changes, so use it carefully to avoid data loss.

How to Find the Commit Hash

Git Reset to Previous Commit
Git Reset to Previous Commit

To Git reset to a previous commit, you need its hash. Follow these steps:

  1. Run git log to view the commit history.
  2. Locate the desired commit and copy its hash (the alphanumeric string at the beginning of each log entry).


bashCopyEditgit log --oneline


sqlCopyEdit9fceb02 Fix bug in user authentication
ae45a8d Add login functionality
b7e23c5 Initial commit

To reset to ae45a8d, use the respective command.

Using Git Reset to Roll Back

Here’s how you can reset to a previous commit in different scenarios:

Scenario 1: Undo Last Commit but Keep Changes

bashCopyEditgit reset --soft HEAD~1

Result: Moves HEAD to the previous commit while keeping the changes staged.

Scenario 2: Unstage Changes but Retain Them in the Working Directory

Result: Unstages the changes from the previous commit, allowing further edits.

Scenario 3: Completely Discard Changes

bashCopyEditgit reset --hard HEAD~1

Result: Permanently deletes changes made after the specified commit.

Pro Tip: Always double-check before using --hard to avoid unintentional data loss.

Resetting a File to a Previous Commit

Sometimes, you may want to reset only a single file to a previous state without affecting the rest of the repository. Here’s how:

Command to Reset a Single File:

bashCopyEditgit checkout <commit-hash> -- <file-path>

Result: Replaces the file in your working directory with its state in the specified commit.


bashCopyEditgit checkout ae45a8d -- src/app.js

This command can also be used to revert changes in a specific file without impacting others. For example, if you want to reset app.js but keep other files unchanged, this method works seamlessly.

git reset vs. git revert: Which One Should You Use?

Featuregit resetgit revert
Modifies history?YesNo
Deletes commits?YesNo (creates a new commit)
Safe for team collaboration?NoYes
Restores working directory?YesNo

Git Revert

Git Reset to Previous Commit

While git reset modifies the commit history, git revert creates a new commit that undoes the changes of a previous commit. Use git revert when collaborating with others to avoid rewriting shared commit history.

To revert a file to its previous state without resetting the repository, you can use:

bashCopyEditgit revert <commit-hash>

This command creates a new commit to undo the effects of the specified commit while preserving the project’s history.

Best Practices for Using Git Reset

  • Backup Your Repository: Before using --hard, ensure your changes are backed up.
  • Work on Local Branches: Avoid using git reset on shared branches to prevent conflicts.
  • Understand the Impact: Choose the reset mode based on your goal (soft, mixed, or hard).
  • Use Git Log: Familiarize yourself with commit hashes and their significance.
  • Experiment on Test Repos: Practice using git reset on a test repository to build confidence.

Git Reset for Remote Repositories

Resetting a remote repository to a previous commit requires force-pushing changes. Use caution, as this can overwrite changes made by others.

Steps to Reset Remote Repository:

  1. Reset your local branch:bashCopyEditgit reset --hard <commit-hash>
  2. Force push the changes:bashCopyEditgit push origin <branch-name> --force

Important: Inform your team before resetting a remote branch to prevent conflicts.

When to Use Each Reset Mode

ScenarioRecommended Command
Undo last commit but keep changes stagedgit reset --soft HEAD~1
Undo last commit and unstage changesgit reset --mixed HEAD~1
Completely discard last commitgit reset --hard HEAD~1
Undo changes to a specific filegit checkout <commit-hash> -- <file-path>
Undo changes without modifying commit historygit revert <commit-hash>


Mastering git reset can significantly enhance your Git workflow, giving you the ability to clean up your repository and refine your commit history.

Whether you are resetting an entire branch or a single file, understanding the modes and implications of git reset ensures safe and effective use.

Understanding git resetand can save you from major headaches when managing code changes. Always be cautious when using, and use for safer rollbacks in team environments. If you make a mistake, you can often recover lost commit


How to Reset Git to a Previous Commit?


git reset --hard <commit-hash>

This command resets the repository to the specified commit and discards changes made after it.

How to Soft Reset to a Previous Commit?


git reset --soft <commit-hash>

This keeps your changes staged for commit.

How to Reset a File to a Previous Commit in Git?


bashCopyEditgit checkout <commit-hash> -- <file-path>

This reverts the file to its state in the specified commit.

How to Reset Git Branch to a Previous Commit?


git reset --hard <commit-hash>

Then push the branch:

git push origin <branch-name> --force

How to Hard Reset Git Repository to a Previous Commit?


git reset --hard <commit-hash>
Force push the changes if necessary:
git push --force

Picture of Zohaib Awan

Zohaib Awan